Save Quote

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Save Quote


Watch the video on 'How to save a Quote' click Link here:


How to Create a Quote


Tap on Actions and select Create Quote

create quote


Select the Quote that you want to create, then click Create

create quote1


Fill out all pertinent information on the Quote


Click View RRP Pamphlet, this will open a PDF with the Lead-Safe information.



The Quote Name can be edited to help identify saved quotes.



Payment Information is not needed if Quote is Saved but can be entered.

To see more information on Payment Information look at Create a Contract.


Next you will need to Result the Appointment

MW result quote

Tap on 'Appointment Result' to select a result from the pick list and tap OK


Select the Follow-up Date, add Comments if needed and tap Save.

*Note you also have the ability to email the quote to the customer.

MW result quote2                

The system will generate the PDF, Save the Quote then send out the email if selected.

A Quote has been Saved, to view the quote, look under the customer or select the Quote from the Appointment.

Also a Follow-up has been created; you can locate the Follow-up under the My Follow-ups section.

